Board Members

  • About/Carmen-Herbal

    Carmen Herbal

    President and Founder

    When I was in my late 20s I heard the true gospel of my salvation and believed in my heart that Jesus was my savior and received the Holy Spirit. My husband and I were active church members during this time and raised our family with christian values. In my mid-30s I had a revival in my heart. I was filled with the Holy Spirit in a new way. God revealed his heart to me and I started to know and enjoy God in a new and full way. The scriptures came alive to me and set a fire in my heart. I have now chosen to be led by the Spirit and maintain a lifestyle of worship to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Father God.

    It was through obedience of faith that Everlasting Love Adventures was founded. In 2019, the Lord directed me to Mozambique to visit an orphanage.  I never would have dreamed what God would do in our lives as well as the orphans lives through this trip. I formed ELA to be a vehicle to outwardly express God’s loving-kindness towards others in hope that they would know the everlasting love of their Father.

    I have worked for 15 years in the finance industry specializing in fixed income investments. I obtained a B.B.A. in Finance and M.B.A from The University of Iowa and have also earned the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation. I currently resides in Ankeny with my husband and enjoy being at home raising our four children. I am able to utilize my gifting of administration and giving while serving on the board.

    Everyday is a new adventure to love people and advance the kingdom of God. We are a spirit-led organization and would love for you to join us in our adventures.

  • Alissa DeGroote

    Alissa DeGroote

    Board Member

    I’ve had a cry in my heart for orphans since my early 20s after a powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit. I dreamed of going to Africa and God using my life to love on the least of these. In 2019 He miraculously opened the door for me to go to a children’s home in Mozambique and my life forever changed. The profound love God gave me led me to go back just 6 months later and I’ll be taking my fourth trip there this summer.

    Spending time in Mozambique, the third poorest country in the world, I’ve witnessed up close the desperate conditions and extreme difficulties the poorest of the poor face daily. Giving my heart, my time, and my resources has been the greatest joy and being a part of ELA is an expansion of my dream to tangibly love those in extreme need. I have found the words of Jesus to be true, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” I pray you experience the great joy that comes from a life poured out for Jesus!!

    True spirituality that is pure in the eyes of our Father God is to make a difference in the lives of the orphans, and widows in their troubles, and to refuse to be corrupted by the world’s values. James 1:27

  • Sandra Rohrer

    Board Member

    Partnering with God to see the dreams He put inside His children’s hearts is an honor.

    I encountered Jesus at Newport Beach when I was 11 years old. I’d already experienced three tragedies in my life, not knowing there were a few more to come before I turned twenty. All the heartache hindered me from dreaming and having hope for a better life, I was just trying to survive.

    Jesus took me on the adventure of a lifetime by taking me into His heart. There He healed my broken heart and I began to dream.

    I’m honored to partner with ELA to show His everlasting love to those who don’t know God is good and kind and cares about the dreams inside of them.